Why Green Lantern Corps Needs To Be A Priority At DC

Why Green Lantern Corps Needs To Be A Priority At DC

In 2014, Warner Bros laid out its initial film slate for the DC Extended Universe, officially signaling that like Marvel, it was all-in on establishing a shared world filled with its most recognizable and more obscure plans. Numerous other DCEU movies have been announced since then, but of those original 10 movies, four have been released, two are coming out over the next year and four remain in some form of development. One of the in-development ones is Green Lantern Corps, but outside of revealing the title and that David Goyer and Justin Rhodes are working on the script, DC has been quiet about how this reboot is coming along. However, it's possible that this project is closer to happening than previously believed.

Last week, it was reported that Mission: Impossible - Fallout director Christopher McQuarrie is the newest director being eyed to helm Green Lantern Corps, and given his past collaborations with Tom Cruise, this has led to many online to wonder if the actor might be courted to play Hal Jordan. It remains to be seen if McQuarrie will actually direct Green Lantern Corps, but even if that hiring doesn't work out, Warner Bros and DC would be wise to make sure that the movie is prioritized rather than place it on the back burner, mainly for the following reasons.

It Opens Up DC's Cosmic UniverseSo far the only major ways the DCEU has delved into DC Comics' cosmic realm is by Man of Steel briefly visiting Krypton and Justice League having Steppenwolf and his Parademon army invade Earth (twice), but this is just the tip of the iceberg. DC has published plenty of stories over the decades that aren't set on Earth, and the Green Lantern Corps movie can serve as a great way to fully delve into these other intergalactic corners, just like Guardians of the Galaxy did for the MCU. The DC universe is divided into 3600 sectors, and in the modern era, at least two Green Lanterns are charged with protecting a sector. Earth is located in Sector 2814, and while Green Lantern Corps could easily follow in the previous Green Lantern movie's footsteps and keep the main action based on our world, it would be better if the human Lanterns instead ventured out to other worlds, visited different alien civilizations, etc. This then paves the way for other cosmic-focused DCEU movies to be released, such as one based on Jack Kirby's Fourth World mythology.

It Doesn't Need Close Ties To The Justice LeagueTo clarify, I'm not saying that the Green Lantern side of the DCEU shouldn't be connected to the Justice League at all. Should Justice League 2 happen, I would like it if John Stewart was added to the ranks. But as mentioned in the previous section, a Green Lantern is required to look after an entire sector, not just one world, and that's not counting those emergency situations when Lanterns are called to assist outside of their assigned sectors. So even though Green Lantern Corps' main characters will hail from Earth, and it would be nice if some ties were established between them and DC's other prominent heroes, it's not absolutely necessary. There's more than enough to keep the Emerald Knights busy elsewhere, and they're certainly capable enough to handle threats without calling in Superman, Wonder Woman and others in for backup. This movie will take place in a shared universe, but it could still be enjoyed as a standalone tale.

It's A Property That Needs Cinematic RedemptionThe 2011 Green Lantern movie was intended to launch a sequel, as evidenced by Sinestro donning the yellow ring of fear in the mid-credits scene, but after the movie bombed critically and commercially, those plans were scrapped. While the Green Lantern mythos has remained an important pillar of the DC universe, and those who've wielded the ring have made numerous appearances in animated TV shows and video games, the fact is that to the general public, the Green Lantern movie has been their only exposure to the character(s), and needless to say that for most, it wasn't a good introduction. This is a property that is in major need of cinematic redemption, and it's better to make that happen sooner rather than later. With Justice League having included a few Green Lanterns in the Steppenwolf battle that took place thousands of years ago, the foundation has been set up for Green Lantern Corps, and not only has CGI technology significantly since the first Green Lantern movie came out, but hopefully when the reboot comes out, it will be just enough time that people have gotten over the stink of the last movie, but are still interested enough to see what this new version has to offer.

Its Reported Premise Sounds AmazingAs mentioned earlier, Warner Bros and DC have revealed few details about Green Lantern Corps, but a few years ago, it was reported that the movie would see Hal Jordan and John Stewart working together in a "Lethal Weapon in space"-type adventure. This is just the kind of story we need from a Green Lantern reboot, as it's falls more in line with the characters' jobs in the comics: serving as the "beats cops" of their sector and keeping the peace on the worlds that reside in that area. Yes, many Green Lantern stories are set on Earth, but the 2011 Green Lantern movie opted to set most of its action on our planet, and look how that turned out. Green Lantern Corps would be wise to take a cue from Thor: Ragnarok: spend a little time on Earth, but then set the main action far away in other areas of the cosmos. More importantly, though, is that the Lethal Weapon approach can also help tonally distinguish Green Lantern Corps from its predecessor. With Hal Jordan as the seasoned Lantern and John Stewart as the new recruit, you can bet that they'll have an entertaining buddy cop dynamic.

It Can Set Up A Long-Lasting Film SeriesLegacy is an important theme in DC Comics history, as multiple individuals have often gone by the same superhero identity. However, Green Lantern is one of the few superheroes were multiple individuals are going by that moniker at the same time. Even ignoring the Golden Age Green Lantern (whose ring is powered by magic) and the thousands of alien Green Lanterns that are flying around the universe, Earth has had seven humans wear the emerald ring of willpower over the decades. Hal Jordan and John Stewart are expected to star in Green Lantern Corps, and you can easily have them lead several movies, but even if they exit at some point, the Green Lantern Corps film series doesn't have to end. From long-active Green Lanterns like Guy Gardner and Kyle Rayner to newer recruits like Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz, there's no shortage of human Lanterns who could take over as leads, meaning that these movies could hypothetically go on for a long time, and each time new main characters are brought in, it serves as a soft relaunch.

In today's video, we will be going over 10 Things DC Wants You To FORGET About The Green Lantern Corps! If you guys are familiar with this channel, then you should know we love making these type
Why Green Lantern is the best DC Superhero - YouTube

Thanks to producer Greg Berlanti, DC Comics characters have found a true home on TV, and Green Lantern Corps should be next, either on the CW or on DC's upcoming streaming service.
10 Things DC Wants You To FORGET About The Green Lantern

Although there are now seven Lantern Corps that comprise the emotional spectrum, from the Red Lanterns of Rage to the zombified Black Lanterns, it all started with the Green Lantern Corps. An intergalactic police force that keeps watch over the entirety of the cosmos, the Green Lanterns have seen many members come and go.
Why do you like Green Lantern? - Green Lantern - Comic Vine

Why Green Lantern Corps Needs To Be A Priority At DC

Green Lantern Corps Green is the color of willpower and is very difficult to master. Only the bravest and most determined of us can ever wish to join this corps. Because green lantern rings are reliant on willpower, the power gets easier to control once you learn to master your focus.

Why Green Lantern Corps Needs To Be A Priority At DC Green Lantern Corps has been in development for years, but DC and Warner Bros would be wise to prioritize it most of the other movies for the
7 Reasons Why GREEN LANTERN CORPS Should Be a TV Series, Not

Green Lantern Corps has been in development for years, but DC and Warner Bros would be wise to prioritize it most of the other movies for the following reasons. Subscribe To Why Green Lantern
Green Lantern Corps - CINEMABLEND

A Green Lantern is an officer of the intergalactic police force known as the Green Lantern Corps, who have the ability to overcome great fear with the might of willpower. Why do you like Green
Green Lantern Corps - Wikipedia

The Green Lantern Corps is the name of a fictional intergalactic militarized law enforcement organisation appearing in comics published by DC Comics.They patrol the farthest reaches of the DC Universe at the behest of the Guardians, a race of immortals residing on the planet Oa.
Which Corps Are You In? Unleash Your Inner Lantern | Geek and

Why Green Lantern is the best DC Superhero Michael Medina. I decided to get personal and talk about why Green Lantern is one of the best DC superheroes ever created, or at least why he is to
Green Lantern Movie: What Went Wrong? | Den of Geek

In 2011 Warner Bros tried to launch the DC Extended Universe with a Green Lantern movie. It didn't work out. sporadically appears on him when he needs to hide Green Lantern Corps will
The Most Overpowered Green Lanterns | CBR

7 Questions We Still Have About Deadpool 2

7 Questions We Still Have About Deadpool 2

For years, the idea of a Deadpool movie actually happening was slim at best given all the time it spent in development hell, but the leaking of animated test footage finally got the ball rolling. A couple years later, Deadpool was a critical and commercial success, and 20th Century Fox wisely didn't wait long to greenlight a sequel. Fast forward to now, Deadpool 2 is less than two months away from arriving in theaters, as it was moved from its previous June 1 release date to May 18.

We have a basic idea of what Deadpool 2 has in store thanks to the three trailers that have been released so far, but there's still plenty of mystery that surrounds the sequel. As we count down the days until this long-anticipated movie finally hits the silver screen, here are the biggest questions on our mind concerning Deadpool 2.

Who Is The Pyrokinetic Kid?Until now, Julian Dennison was best known for playing Ricky Baker (who has a reputation of being a bad egg) in Hunt for the Wilderpeople, but Deadpool 2 will introduce him to a lot of American moviegoers. We saw a couple of quick shots of Dennison's character in the first two Deadpool 2 previews, and in the full-length trailer, not only was it seemingly confirmed he's pyrokinetic (he can manipulate fire), but he's also being targeted by Cable. However, this kid has yet to be officially identified, and fan speculation about who he is has ranged from Pyro (who was notably played by Aaron Stanford in the original X-Men movies) to Neal Shaara (one of several to go by Thunderbird) to Kid Apocalypse. Whoever the kid is, the other question that needs to be answered is why Cable is after him. I suspect Cable believes that by killing this mutant, the horrific future he grew up in won't come to pass, but if that's the case, what did the boy do that led to the future becoming so depressing?

What Has Happened In Cable's Future?Just like in the comics, Cable hails from the future, and boasting impressive mutant abilities and technological upgrades, he's come to the present on a mission to kill Julian Dennison's character. As seen in the Deadpool 2 preview where the VFX on Cable's metal arm wasn't completed, Cable's time period doesn't exactly look like it's a fun place, somewhat echoing the future seen in X-Men: Days of Future Past. In this future, however, there is a group called the DMC, and Cable has to deliver a beating to some of its soldiers. There isn't a DMC in Marvel Comics, so if I had to guess, I'd say that this yet another group that is responsible for keeping mutants contained or controlled. Still, what specifically led to the DMC's creation, and did that happen before or after Earth entered its post-apocalyptic phase. The specifics of Cable's past will be explored in future movies, but at the very least, let's hope Deadpool 2 provides enough information as to what went down in his time period.

What Is Black Tom Cassidy's Role?The latest Deadpool 2 trailer framed Cable as the movie's main antagonist, but considering Cable's history with the X-Force in the comics and the fact that Josh Brolin is reprising the character for three more movies, it can be reasoned that his conflict with the Merc with the Mouth won't be permanent. Besides, Deadpool 2 already has a legitimate super villain in its cast: Black Tom Cassidy, played by Jack Kesy. In the comics, Cassidy (who is Banshee's cousin) was originally able to emit concussive blasts via wooden mediums, but his abilities later evolved to being able to manipulate plant life. But we have yet to learn how Cassidy will participate in Deadpool 2? Does he come from the same apocalyptic future Cable lived in? Does he live in the present, and his plans will be what forces Deadpool and Cable to team up? Whatever his role is, hopefully it's significant rather than minor.

How Do Negasonic Teenage Warhead And Colossus Fit Into The Story?As fun as it is to watch Deadpool cause trouble by himself, it was good that he had more conventional superheroes to interact with in his first movie. Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Colossus tried their best to recruit Deadpool into the X-Men (even though Negasonic didn't particularly care how that turned out), but in the end, Wade Wilson didn't accept their offer. Nevertheless, he's still on good terms with these two, so they'll be around for Deadpool 2's craziness. But how exactly are they involved? So far all we know is that Negasonic has graduated to being a "new level of X-Men," Colossus is one of the story's most important characters and that Wade will revisit the two at the X-Mansion. However, Negasonic and Colossus don't appear to be part of the X-Force, so are they just helping out Deadpool for a little bit and will otherwise be doing their own thing, or will be steadily interacting with the Merc with the Mouth throughout the movie?

Who Are The Other X-Force Members?So far two of Deadpool's teammates on the X-Force (yes, it does sound a little derivative) have been officially revealed: Domino and Bedlam. Rob Delaney's character is identified as Peter in the recent trailer, and going by his lack of costume, one could assume that he is Peter Wisdom. As for the other members, while we can't with 100% certainty who they are, they're are some educated guess floating around online. First off, Into the Badlands actor Lewis Tan confirmed he's playing the X-Force member located between Deadpool and Bedlam in the above picture, and judging by that headgear, the consensus is this individual is Shatterstar. Shiloni Kutsuna's character's abilities suggest that she's Surge, and some are speculating that Peter Skarsgard's character is Zeitgeist. Ideally in the remaining weeks leading up to Deadpool 2's release, the rest of these X-Force members will be officially identified, although we're still looking forward to seeing the whole team have to deal with Deadpool kookiness, as well as which of these characters will stick around for the X-Force movie.

What's The Deal With Deadpool's Gray Suit?Just to be clear, we know why Deadpool 2 is having Wade Wilson wear a gray suit. During his time with the X-Force in the comics, the Merc with the Mouth wore a gray variation of his classic costume, so because Deadpool 2 sees the cinematic X-Force team forming, it makes sense for him to wear similar colors. However, it's hard to tell in the recent trailer whether this is actually a brand-new costume that Wade is wearing or if it's his regular costume that's just been colored by dust or soot. I'm leaning towards the latter since in the background, we see a fire, presumably caused by Julian Dennison's character. Even if that is the case, that would be a fun nod to Deadpool's comic book Easter egg, and would actually be more in line with the character's troll-ish personality: teasing an element from the source material without actually delivering it.

Who Is The Mystery Cameo?Last week, it was reported that during Deadpool 2's reshoots, a secret cameo was shot, which took two hours in Los Angeles. A superhero movie throwing in cameos is nothing new; the first Deadpool movie had Stan Lee and Rob Liefeld briefly appear. Nevertheless, we're curious about who this individual is that will briefly pop their head in. Is it someone from the comics, perhaps even someone who's appeared in a previous X-Men movie? Or could it just be a familiar celebrity either playing themselves or a bit part? I'm crossing my fingers that it's Hugh Jackman cameoing as himself rather than Wolverine, mainly because after all the years of grief that both Deadpool and Ryan Reynolds have given him, it's about time the Australian actor finally get a chance to retaliate in a cinematic setting.

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With an unusually conservative runtime of just under two hours, Justice League had to cut a number of scenes - including a flashback to Cyborg's old life.While audiences are quite familiar with the DCEU's take on Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, Justice League was able to focus a bit more on the genesis of its other heroes.

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Colin Farrell Was Once So Hungover It Allegedly Took Him 56 Takes For One Minority Report Line

Colin Farrell Was Once So Hungover It Allegedly Took Him 56 Takes For One Minority Report Line

Being hungover isnt fun. Being hungover when you have to go to work is especially dreadful. But being brutally hungover and having to go to work on a major Hollywood motion picture is just a recipe for disaster. Actor Colin Farrell found out as much on the set of the 2002 film Minority Report, when he had to go to work the day after his 25th birthday celebration. Colin Farrell recalled the experience saying:

There were a couple of hairy days. I asked them with a great array of arrogance that they not work me the day after my birthday. I said, Please dont have me working on June 1st, because my birthday is May 31st. I thought a 100 million dollar film would at least listen to that request... but I worked.

Well, in his defense, he did try to warn them that he would be in no shape to film on June 1st. In hindsight, Colin Farrell admits the ludicrous and arrogant nature of this request, that a massive Hollywood movie with a schedule to keep to and a vast array of people working on it would move things around, potentially costing valuable time and money, just because he wanted to get wrecked for his birthday.

Colin Farrell did his best to get out of it, though as you might expect, the request of the 25-year-old actor was not honored and he indeed went to work on June 1st, as he told Mirror.

He didnt want to have to come to work in a dilapidated state, so he asked to have the day off. When that didnt work, did he choose not to party or take things a bit easier knowing he had work in the morning? No, no he didnt. He had the pre-cognitive sight to know it wouldnt turn out well, but couldnt stop himself.

Colin Farrell elaborated on what the hairy day after his birthday was like on the Minority Report set, saying:

It was a rough night and I didnt get any sleep. The line was, Im sure youve all grasped the fundamental paradoxical pre-crime methodology. I only know it now, still, 16 years later because it caused so much panic and anxiety. It should be on my tombstone. My sister was on the set that day and she had to leave the set after 56 takes. I was a disaster.

The combination of a rough night of birthday indulgences and no sleep resulted in Colin Farrell needing 56 takes to deliver one line in the film. One line. Steven Spielberg already has Oscars to his name, but he might be eligible for an honorary one here for having saintly patience as one of his young stars struggled through his lines to the tune of dozens of takes because he was irresponsibly hungover.

With the alliteration and the sequence of big words, you can see how Colin Farrells line as Danny Witwer in the film could be a bit of a tongue-twister to begin with. But if it was difficult to say before, Colin Farrell upped the difficulty by being completely hungover. Ironically, Javier Bardem could have starred as Danny Witwer in Minority Report, but he felt his English wasn't good enough at the time.

This resulted in what surely was an incredibly awkward and cringe-inducing scene where the actor struggled take after take to deliver the line. It practically sounds like it was scripted for a comedy with Colin Farrells sister being present on set that day and having to watch her brother go through that.

The result of all those takes and the trauma they caused is that Colin Farrell still remembers the line to this day. Well, basically anyways, as far as I can tell the line used in the final film was actually Im sure you all understand the legalistic drawback to pre-crime methodology.

Actor Colin Farrell has been quite open over the years about his struggles with drugs and alcohol, and although the 56 take disaster on Minority Report was bad, he says that it was one of the only instances where his lifestyle affected his work.

Check out our 2019 Release Schedule to keep track of what's coming to theaters this year and stay tuned to CinemaBlend for all your movie news.

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